Feature articles
copywriter, copy editor, researcher, interviewer and proofreader
Above are two articles for Action on Hearing Loss's (now RNID) magazine for their members. The articles were published in 2017.
I wrote 'Scientifically speaking' based on background information and an interview with a scientific researcher. I reworked the original text for 'Reaching an understanding'.
In 2017, I wrote this article for UNISON's U magazine about its Public Service Champions campaign.
I used background information and telephone interviews with four members of the public.
Above are four articles I wrote for Diabetes UK's healthcare professional magazine,
Diabetes Update. For all of them, I used background information and interviews with
researchers, medical professionals and others.
I wrote many more articles for the magazine before becoming its editor.
Sometimes, you need a light touch with a dry subject, as in 'Saddle up' and 'Zen again'.
Other times, you need to make a difficult subject clearer for a general audience.
'Breaking down the barriers' was about mental health.
These are just three of many articles I wrote for Diabetes UK's membership magazine, Balance.